All Cosy Buddha garments are knitted from New Zealand wool, which is renowned for its purity, quality, strength and lustre.
New Zealand is one of the kindest environments for sheep to live in with everything they need to grow and be healthy. A pristine climate, clean water, fresh air, grass, and growers who look after their animals and land with utmost care.
Happier sheep produce better wool, and that makes New Zealand wool the best quality in the world.
No other material, natural or man-made, is quite as versatile as wool.
- Wool is renewable! Sheep just keep on growing new fleeces, which must be shorn off annually for the wellbeing of the animal.
- Wool can also be returned to the earth and will degrade within a few months, putting nutrients back into the soil - no pressure on landfill.
Unlike cotton, wool is an great insulator. When it's cold outside, your feet stay warm.
Wool can absorb a high amount of moisture — much more than cotton. Wool can actually hold a third of its weight in moisture before it even starts to feel "wet."
Wool keeps its insulating properties while wet, which is perfect for sweaty feet.
Not only that, but wool also dries much more quickly than cotton or other synthetics.
Because of their physical nature, wool fibres naturally have anti-bacterial properties and are, therefore, odour resistant....
...which means they don't have to be washed every time you wear them. Indeed, they can be worn multiple times before washing.